Book Details
Author: Tian Tongxin
Publication Year: 2012
ISBN: 9781936040322
Page Count: 278
List Price: $59.00
Book Introduction:  The author thinks that since Matteo Ricci a thought route of Confucian Christian theology, a reconstruction of Confucian theology through the faith of Christ, has presented for 400 years. In modern times, this theological thought route can continue to expand with the possibility and necessity. Compared with the traditional theology, Confucian Christian theology more contribute to the Christian repentance. The author believes that the Confucius culture has global worth to today's and tomorrow's world, and the worth supported and reminded by the Confucius cultural resource cannot be replaced by any western culture. Moreover, the Confucius Culture as a system cannot be self-contained today after experiencing the changes in thousands of years. It is culturally necessary for the Confucians to become Christians while holding Confucian positive values because the core of Christian belief cannot be replaced by any other national culture. Hence, it is the wise and pious choice for the modern intellectuals to become “Confucian Christians”. This cultural journey goes beyond East Asia and has ecumenical significance. This also sets up a very good example for “the integration, not the confrontation, between Christianity and Confucianism”.


Tian Tongxin
Tian Tongxin
田童心,金陵协和神学院神学教育副教授,儒家基督徒神学倡导者,著有《神学的觉悟》(2003年)、《儒家神学新议》(2005年)、《儒家基督徒神学》(2011年)等,提出了“人文主义耶稣信仰”、“真理见证论的基督论”、“循道称义”、“民主评判下的民本贤能政治”、“儒家基督徒神学”、“不同文化传统的联结点”、 “生存论论证”、“悔改决定归算的原罪论”等神学概念,认为儒家神学的二次重建必然走向和等于儒家基督徒神学。

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